Cuban Soprano & Artist
RubiMusic & RubiArt

RubiMusic is a 501c3 non-profit organization that embraces all the educational and charity projects that Dr. Rubí represents in addition to her solo career. Our purpose is to provide artistic education and performance opportunities to children and young talents while bringing more cultural options and classical music concerts to the South-Florida community.
Your donations make our artistic projects possible. To support us review the Sponsorship Levels below and donate today! All your donations are tax deductible. Contact us via email to send you the form/receipt at raquelrubimusic@gmail.com.
For details and student reviews visit:
Our RubiArt program has been awarded with the “Arts for All” grant 2024 and will be serving the community of St. Johns starting in September through May 2025. The program will offer free Art classes for children and adults, as well as Workshops/Masterclasses by prestigious international artists for the benefit of local artists and art lovers. Info at: 786.547.8847
Publication: "Salidas and Romanzas in Cuban Zarzuela" by Raquel Rubi
Visit Amazon.com here to order your copy. The book presents a catalogue, analysis, performance suggesions, IPA and translation of the more representative pieces of the Cuban zarzuela repertoire by the trilogy of composers, Ernesto Lecuona, Gonzalo Roig, and Rodrigo Prats.

RubiMusic Sponsorship Levels - Donate HERE
Symphonic Sponsors :
All collaborations from $4500 receive on stage recognition as well as in our programs, website, marketing distribution and complementary tickets upon request.
Concerto Sponsors :
All collaborations from $2500 receive a recognition in our programs, website, and marketing distribution and complementary tickets upon request.
Overture Sponsors :
All collaborations from $500 receive a recognition in our programs, and complementary tickets upon request.
Miniature Sponsors: ( for individuals, no corporations)
All collaborations from $100 to $499 receive a recognition in our programs.
Andrea's CD
my name is Andrea. I'm a six-year-old girl who loves music. I love to play the piano and sing with my mom...I also LOVE God. ❤
With this album, I want to help other kids to feel better. Thank you for your support! :)
I wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart!
“Christmas songs by Andrea” includes Christmas carols favorites in English and Spanish, recorded by a six year-old girl, a cancer survivor. This is a non-profit project to help children fighting cancer. The benefits are donated to institutions, such as Joe DiMaggio Children Hospital, St. Jude Children Research Hospital, Children Battling Cancer, among others.
If you prefer a physical CD, your can order it HERE. Please, make sure to send your USA or Canada address, and we'll will be glad to mail to you. The price will include the $9.99 plus $4.99 fee for shipping and handling. You will receive the instructions for payments in your response within 24 hours.